
Archaeology on Mulberry Row

A bird's-eye photo of an excavation of "Building o," a dwelling for enslaved people, along Mulberry Row at Monticello in 1981 and 1982

Historical Period

Skills and Concepts

contributing partner

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello logo

Analysis Questions

Foster inquiry and understanding with these source-specific questions, designed to be accessible even for those with limited background knowledge.

say hello to the source

  1. 1. 

    What do you notice about this picture?

  2. 2. 

    What questions do you have about this photograph?

make observations

  1. 3. 

    What do the people in this photograph appear to be doing?

  2. 4. 

    What do you notice about the holes in the ground?

  3. 5. 

    What do you notice about the point of view of the photograph?

interpret what you see

  1. 6. 

    The people in the photograph are called archaeologists. What do you understand about the job of an archaeologist based on what you see in the photograph?

  2. 7. 

    How are the archaeologists in the photograph interacting with the environment?

  3. 8. 

    Archaeologists excavate (dig up) artifacts from the ground in order to understand more about life in the past. What artifacts from the past does it look like the archaeologists in this picture have found?

  4. 9. 

    What information about the past do you think the archaeologists might learn from the pieces of pottery that they’re looking at?

use it as evidence

  1. 10. 

    Why would evidence of the past be found underground?


Use these related vocabulary terms to build students’ understanding and support more meaningful discussions and learning outcomes in your classroom.


a person who studies human past and culture looking at the materials that remain


A team of archaeologists searched through the Egyptian pyramids.


an object made by a human, especially from the past


The museum has a lot of artifacts, like jewelry and pottery, that show how people lived in the past.


To dig up


The team excavated a large area near the old school, creating a deep hole in the ground.


plates, bowls, pots, and other items made of clay


The pottery we use for our Thanksgiving feast has pictures of turkeys, pumpkins, and autumn leaves on it.

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Learning to Think Historically

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